Sexual Health Archive


Did I cause my partner's bladder infection?

While a man cannot directly give his female partner a bladder infection, he can increase her risk with vigorous or frequent sexual intercourse.

Bladder problems that warrant a doctor's visit

Bladder problems in women can increase due to childbirth, menopause, and aging. Additional contributors to bladder symptoms include weight gain, pelvic organ prolapse, and the types of beverages people drink, as well as how much and how often. Women should see a doctor about increasing leakage, urgency, frequency, or nighttime urination; cloudy or strong-smelling urine; pain or burning while urinating; pain during sex; or lower abdominal pain.

What's the best way to test for low testosterone?

A blood test for total testosterone is the usual first step in men concerned about low T levels. The best time to get tested is between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m.

Should I use vaginal probiotics?

Vaginal probiotics contain live microorganisms and come in oral and suppository forms. Some ads claim these products can prevent or treat infections. But the vagina regulates its own bacterial mix, so vaginal probiotics aren't necessary.

What symptoms should I report to my gynecologist?

Women with unusual pelvic or vaginal symptoms should report them to their gynecologist. These symptoms include vaginal odor, itching, or burning; menstrual changes; pelvic pain or discomfort; or new bleeding.

Pregnancy's lasting toll

Pregnancy and childbirth effects on the body can linger or develop years or decades after the birth. Muscles, ligaments, and nerves in the pelvis can be damaged, leading to urine or stool leakage or sagging pelvic organs. Treatment approaches include a pessary, various surgical procedures, or pelvic floor physical therapy. Women can protect their pelvic floor from weakening further by maintaining a healthy weight, preventing constipation, and managing conditions that contribute to chronic cough.

Understanding sex drive

Men's sex drive can wane and fluctuate with age, but that does not mean they still cannot enjoy a healthy and satisfying sex life. The goal to working with a changing sex drive is to focus more on the non-physical side of sex, which can help reignite the sexual spark for both people in the relationship. Examples include more romantic touching with your partner, communicating about each other's needs, and experimenting with different sex routines and practices.

Monkeypox: An unfamiliar virus spreading fast — sound familiar?

More than two years after COVID-19 reached the US, an outbreak of monkeypox is spreading fast outside of Africa. This virus is not new, and it's likely to be less dangerous than COVID, but it's still important to be aware of its symptoms, spread, treatment, and prevention.

Ring vaccination might help curtail monkeypox outbreaks

The monkeypox outbreak currently traveling around the globe is the largest ever recorded outside of western and central Africa. Controlling this virus demands preventive measures, and one method that has worked to contain previous disease outbreaks may be effective for monkeypox as well.

Managing premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is common in older men, especially in a new sexual relationship. Partners can help the issue by trying the "stop-start" and "stop-squeeze" methods. Men also can ask their doctor about using an antidepressant that has delayed orgasm as a side effect.

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