Harvard Health Experts and Contributors

List of Experts

photo of Elizabeth Boskey, PhD

Elizabeth Boskey, PhD


Elizabeth Boskey, PhD, is the social worker and research lead for the Center for Gender Surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital. Her background is in women’s reproductive biology and public health, and her research interests focus on the sexual and reproductive health of sexual and gender minority populations. In addition to her work at the Center, she runs the New England Gender C.A.R.E. Consortium, and has a small private therapy practice where she focuses on working with sexual, gender, and relationship minority clients.
Read more about Elizabeth Boskey, PhD
photo of Athos Bousvaros, MD

Athos Bousvaros, MD


Athos Bousvaros MD, MPH is a pediatric gastroenterologist who has worked at Boston Children’s Hospital for over 25 years. He completed his undergraduate degree at Williams College, his medical degree and residency at Duke University, and his gastroenterology fellowship at Children’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. As Associate Director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease program at Children’s Hospital Boston, he spends much of his time treating complex cases of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis referred from across the country. His research interests include identifying the cause of IBD by studying the intestinal microbiome, developing new therapies for IBD, and examining the immune response of IBD patients to immunizations. He has over 100 original and review publications in the medical literature. He has served as chair of Chapter Medical Advisory Committee of the New England Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, chair of the CCFA Pediatric Affairs committee. He has also served as president of the North American Society for Pediatric GI and Nutrition (NASPGHAN), where he helped lead a campaign to promote child safety by getting high powered magnets out of the hands of toddlers. When not busy caring for patients or doing research, he enjoys developing patient education materials for children with chronic illness. These include the medical comics: “Pete Learns All About Crohn’s and Colitis” (with the CCFA), “Amy Goes Gluten Free”, “JD Shapes Up”, and Sophie’s Science Project”. He also has co-authored the NASPGHAN book “Your Child with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Read more about Athos Bousvaros, MD
photo of Shafik Boyaji, MD

Shafik Boyaji, MD


Dr. Boyaji earned his medical degree from University of Aleppo, Syria. He completed an Internal Medicine residency at Michigan State University and an Anesthesiology residency at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Currently he is in fellowship for Interventional Pain Management. He has a special interest in non-opioid pain management modalities, including neuromodulation for pain.
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photo of David Boyce, MD

David Boyce, MD


Dr. David Boyce is board-certified in general anesthesiology and pain medicine. After graduating from Tufts University School of Medicine, he completed his residency and a pain medicine fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. He is currently an Instructor in Anesthesiology at HMS and the anesthesiologist-in-charge of the main operating room at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where he also attends on the in-patient Chronic Pain Service. Dr. Boyce provides care for patients in an outpatient pain clinic and he has given regional and national talks on back pain, including hands-on ultrasound workshops for the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). His clinical interests include safer surgery and non-opioid alternatives to managing chronic pain.
Read more about David Boyce, MD
photo of Ellen Braaten, PhD

Ellen Braaten, PhD


Dr. Ellen Braaten is associate director of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program (LEAP) at MGH, and an associate professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Braaten received her MA in clinical psychology from the University of Colorado, and her PhD in psychology from Colorado State University. Dr. Braaten is widely recognized as an expert in the field of pediatric neuropsychological and psychological assessment, particularly in the areas of assessing learning disabilities and attentional disorders. She has been the recipient of funding to conduct research studies on children with nonverbal learning disabilities and attentional disorders, and has published numerous papers, chapters and reviews on ADHD, learning disabilities, gender and psychopathology, intelligence and neuropsychology, and psychological assessment of children. Dr. Braaten is the co-author of Straight Talk about Psychological Testing for Kids, a book that has become a classic for parents and professionals. She also wrote The Child Clinician’s Report Writing Handbook, which has been called “the most comprehensive child assessment handbook available.” In 2010 she published How to Find Mental Health Care for Your Child, and most recently co-authored Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up (published in August 2014), a book for parents that addresses slow processing speed in children.
Read more about Ellen Braaten, PhD
photo of Annie Brewster, MD

Annie Brewster, MD


Annie Brewster is an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, and a practicing internist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. She is also a patient, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2001. She has been collecting and sharing patient stories since 2010. In 2013 she founded Health Story Collaborative, a nonprofit organization committed to empowering patients and their loved ones, building community, strengthening patient-provider connections, and ultimately transforming healthcare through storytelling. Dr. Brewster is the author of The Healing Power of Storytelling: Using Personal Narrative to Navigate Illness, Trauma, and Loss. Twitter: @HealthStoryCo Instagram: @healthstorycollaborative Facebook: Health Story Collaborative
Read more about Annie Brewster, MD
photo of Ryan Brewster, MD

Ryan Brewster, MD

Guest Contributor

Dr. Ryan Brewster is a first-year pediatrics resident in the combined residency program at Boston Children's Hospital and Boston Medical Center as part of the Urban Health and Advocacy Track and Global Health Pathway. His work focuses on building and scaling low-cost technologies to address health inequities. Dr. Brewster earned his MD from the Stanford University School of Medicine.
Read more about Ryan Brewster, MD
photo of Melissa Brodrick, MEd

Melissa Brodrick, MEd


Since 1985, Melissa has served as a mediator, facilitator and trainer in the field of dispute resolution. She has worked in private practice, helping clients to engage in effective communications and problem solving while navigating high impact work and family issues. She has also worked with numerous academic institutions, health care organizations, Fortune 500 companies; state and federal agencies; and non-profit groups. Melissa has served as Executive Director of the Massachusetts Association of Mediation Programs and Practitioners, Director of The Children’s Hearings Project and mediator of educational appeals for the Massachusetts Department of Education. She is the recipient of numerous awards in her field and holds an MEd from Harvard University and a BA from Amherst College.
Read more about Melissa Brodrick, MEd
photo of Kemar Brown, MD

Kemar Brown, MD


Kemar J. Brown, MD, is a clinical and research fellow in cardiovascular medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. He completed his undergraduate education at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, received his medical degree from Stony Brook University School of Medicine, and thereafter completed his residency training in Internal Medicine at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in 2018. Dr. Brown has a clinical interest in heart failure and cardiac transplant. As a postdoctoral research fellow, his work focuses on understanding the fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms of heart disease. He also studies social determinants of health and predicators of telemedicine use in ambulatory cardiovascular care. Follow Dr. Brown on Twitter @kemar_MD.
Read more about Kemar Brown, MD
photo of Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, DO

Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, DO


Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, DO, is Division Chief of Infectious Diseases and Medical Director of Infection Prevention at the Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA). She chairs the Infection Prevention Committee and co-directs the Antibiotic Stewardship Team.   She has an appointment at Harvard Medical School as an Assistant Professor and teaches residents and medical students.   Dr. Bruno-Murtha received her DO degree at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-School of Osteopathic Medicine. She completed an Internal Medicine residency at St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center in Manhattan and a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at Boston University Medical Center. She is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases.   She has conducted clinical research on antibiotic cycling, the molecular epidemiology of MRSA and complicated skin infections. Quality improvement interests have included optimizing and maintaining exceptional hand hygiene compliance, assessing and improving environmental cleanliness, evaluating the utility of UV disinfection in the OR, implementing a process for total body cleansing with chlorhexidine for selected surgical patients, improving appropriateness of urine cultures and initiating a strategy to reduce hospital-onset C. difficile infections.   Dr. Bruno-Murtha served on the Massachusetts Expert Panel on Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), whose work culminated in guidelines for infection prevention programs in Massachusetts and formulated the basis for public reporting of selected HAIs. She is currently serving on the Massachusetts Healthcare Associated Infection/Antibiotic Resistance Technical Advisory Group, whose charge is to facilitate improving antibiotic use across the continuum of care. Dr. Bruno-Murtha is a member of the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology task force on community-based healthcare epidemiologists.   She has published original research, reviews, case reports and abstracts and has lectured both regionally and nationally. Dr. Bruno-Murtha has received awards for excellence in teaching, collaboration, and in clinical care. She is a member of the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America, the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American College of Physicians.
Read more about Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, DO
photo of Glen Buchberger, MD

Glen Buchberger, MD


Glenn K. Buchberger, MD is a primary care physician for children and adults practicing at the CHA Everett Care Center in Everett, Massachusetts. He earned an A.B. in English Literature at Dartmouth College and completed his Medical Doctor degree and residency training in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in Rochester, New York. As a resident he was involved in several projects to raise awareness of the dangers posed by excess sugar consumption. In addition to his primary care practice he provides office based treatment for opioid use disorder at a sister clinic in Revere, Massachusetts several times each month.
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photo of Andrew E. Budson, MD

Andrew E. Budson, MD

Contributor; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Andrew E. Budson is chief of cognitive & behavioral neurology at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, lecturer in neurology at Harvard Medical School, and chair of the Science of Learning Innovation Group at the Harvard Medical School Academy. Graduating cum laude from Harvard Medical School in 1993, he has given over 750 local, national, and international grand rounds and other talks; published over 125 scientific papers, reviews, and book chapters; and co-authored or edited eight books. His book Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: What’s Normal, What’s Not, and What to Do About It explains how individuals can distinguish changes in memory due to Alzheimer’s versus normal aging; what medications, vitamins, diets, and exercise regimens can help; and the best habits, strategies, and memory aids to use; it is being translated into Chinese and Korean. His book Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dementia: A Practical Guide for Clinicians has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. His book Six Steps to Managing Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: A Guide for Families teaches caregivers how they can manage all the problems that come with dementia — and still take care of themselves. His latest book, Why We Forget and How to Remember Better: The Science Behind Memory, explains the science of memory and how to use that knowledge to improve our ability to remember in daily life. Website: Andrew Budson, MD Facebook: Andrew Budson, MD Twitter: @abudson
Read more about Andrew E. Budson, MD
photo of Christopher Bullock, MD, MFA

Christopher Bullock, MD, MFA


Dr. Christopher Bullock, MD, MFA (1947–2018), was an assistant clinical professor (part-time) of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, a psychoanalyst affiliated with the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, and a teaching associate at the Cambridge Health Alliance, where for 20 years he was the senior attending physician on an outpatient team working intensively with the chronically mentally ill. He maintained a private practice in Newton, Massachusetts. He won multiple teaching awards, was a founding faculty member in the team that developed the innovative Cambridge-Harvard Medical School Longitudinal Third Year Clerkship, worked in pioneering projects integrating behavioral health care into primary care medicine, taught for many years in the HMS Healer’s Art seminars, and lectured nationally on psychiatric education.
Read more about Christopher Bullock, MD, MFA
photo of Julia Martin Burch, PhD

Julia Martin Burch, PhD


Julia Martin Burch, PhD, is a staff psychologist in the McLean Anxiety Mastery Program at McLean Hospital. Dr. Martin Burch works with children, teens, and parents, and specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and related disorders. She also provides training for clinicians, parent groups, and schools on working with anxious youth as part of the McLean School Consult Service. Dr. Martin Burch completed her training at Fairleigh Dickinson University and Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School.
Read more about Julia Martin Burch, PhD
photo of Christopher J. Burns, MD

Christopher J. Burns, MD


After spending almost 15 years in the U.S. Navy, with multiple deployments in support of the Global War on Terrorism, Christopher Burns, MD, now practices trauma and acute care surgery, along with burn surgery, and surgical critical care at both the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the South Shore Hospital. Dr. Burns is the Vice-Chair of Critical Care at South Shore Hospital, and an Instructor in Surgery at Harvard Medical School.
Read more about Christopher J. Burns, MD
photo of Katsiaryna Bykov, PharmD, ScD

Katsiaryna Bykov, PharmD, ScD


Katsiaryna Bykov, PharmD, ScD, is a pharmacoepidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. Originally trained as a pharmacist, she completed her research doctorate in epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and has been conducting research on medication use, safety, and effectiveness for more than a decade.
Read more about Katsiaryna Bykov, PharmD, ScD
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