Pain Archive


Got a bum knee? Here is what to do

If knee pain and swelling are severe an are not getting better, see your primary care doctor for a thorough evalucation. Image: Thinkstock

Arthritis is not the only possible cause of knee pain, swelling, and disability.

Arthritis pain relief while taking warfarin

Ask the doctor

Q. I take warfarin for my atrial fibrillation. I know it can increase the risk of bleeding. Is it okay for me to take ibuprofen for my arthritis?

A. In general, you should avoid ibuprofen—which is sold as Advil, Motrin, and generics—while taking warfarin, because taking them together may further increase your risk of bleeding.

Will Prozac help my premenstrual depression?

Ask the doctor

Q. I've had some severe bouts of depression before my periods. I have done my own research and I am willing to try an antidepressant. What dosage of Sarafem or Prozac is usually given to treat this?

A. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are an excellent option for treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). In fact, most physicians now consider them first-line therapy. Many different SSRIs have been studied, including the one you asked about—fluoxetine (Prozac or Sarafem)—and they all appear to be equally effective.

Study suggests tai chi improves life for people with chronic health problems

Image: Thinkstock 

Research we're watching

An analysis published online Sept. 17, 2015, by the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that doing tai chi enhances the quality of life for people with common chronic conditions.

Researchers analyzed data from 33 studies involving nearly 1,600 adults. Most were in their 60s or 70s, and all had one or more chronic conditions: osteoarthritis, breast cancer, heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). All 290 participants in the breast cancer studies were women. There were 452 women (85% of participants) in the arthritis studies, 76 (16%) in the heart failure studies, and 92 (19%) in the COPD studies.

Joint replacement — finding the right medical team

Joint replacement is a complex procedure, and finding the right surgeon and hospital can make a big difference in your outcome. In general, you're likely to have a better result and fewer complications if your surgeon performs the operation frequently (at least 100 times per year) and operates in a hospital where these procedures are commonplace. Don't be surprised if this rules out the most convenient hospital for your location.

Your orthopedist, rheumatologist, or primary care physician, or a friend who has undergone successful joint replacement, may be able to recommend a specific surgeon. But keep in mind that your insurer may restrict you to certain specialists or require a larger copayment if you go outside your plan.

Ask the doctor: Do I need gallbladder surgery?


Q. I've been having abdominal pain that may be due to gallstones. Is surgery the best solution, or are there other things I can try first?

A. The first thing to determine is whether your abdominal pain is in fact due to gallstones. They typically cause pain on the upper right side or in the center of the abdomen just below the breastbone that radiates to the back or right shoulder. The pain is often brought on by eating—especially fatty foods—or may occur at night. Sometimes gallstone pain is accompanied by sweating, bloating, nausea, or vomiting.

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