Men's Health Archive


Skin in the game: Common skin problems and solutions for men

Dry skin and athlete's foot affect many men. There are several treatment options for both conditions, and steps you can take to prevent them from occurring or returning.

Try these techniques to relieve common urinary symptoms without medication

Men with mild-to-moderate symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia can try a conservative approach called watchful waiting. Behavior changes can help control symptoms. If these don't work, a discussion with a doctor about drugs or surgery is in order.

Prostate cancer: An emerging surgical alternative shows promise in older men

In some men with localized prostate cancer, focal therapy is an alternative to radical prostatectomy. This procedure removes only the cancerous part of the gland, and growing evidence shows it can be an effective strategy.

Watch out for tainted sexual enhancement products

According to the FDA, many sexual enhancement products sold online and over the counter may cause potentially serious side effects and interact with other medications or dietary supplements.

Diet and prostate cancer

Eating a plant-based diet like the Mediterranean, MIND, or DASH diet has been shown to help people lose weight and lower their risk for heart disease and diabetes. But such a diet may also help men lower their risk for prostate cancer or help slow the spread of existing prostate cancer. The connection may be due to high consumption of inflammation-fighting fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish, and the fact that people who follow a plant-based diet eat less red meat and processed foods, high intakes of which are associated with cancer risk.

Stomachs growl, noses run, and yawning is contagious: Ever wonder why?

There are things our bodies do so often and so automatically that we barely notice them. Yawning, growling stomachs, and runny noses are good examples. Each is a universal part of our daily human experience — but did you ever wonder why?

FDA approves new treatment for advanced prostate cancer

Approval by the FDA of a new drug combination for treatment of advanced prostate cancer fills a need and offers new hope to men whose cancer has progressed and who have already tried other therapies.

Older men continue to have excessive PSA testing

Guidelines recommend against routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing in men ages 70 and older. Still, two 2023 studies found that men in this age group are having too many PSA tests.

Sexual feelings

Feelings of sexual desire change for both men and women as they age. Sometimes the desire is more robust for only one partner, or desires fluctuate so much that partners are rarely in sync. Talking about these changes and exploring different ways to approach this new phase of sex can help both partners find mutual enjoyment.

Study questions commercial men's health clinics services

Consumers should be wary about direct-to-consumer men's health clinics, as many offer costly treatments not supported by evidence and lack medical oversight, according to a 2023 investigative study.

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