Marijuana / CBD Archive


Cannabis drinks: How do they compare to alcohol?

While alcohol remains the most-used drug in the US, daily cannabis use has outpaced daily drinking. In states where recreational cannabis is legal, a popular new item is cannabis-infused beverages. These products are different from edibles, and the timing and intensity of their effects on the body differ as well.

Cardiovascular risks soar among daily cannabis users

A 2024 study suggests using cannabis weekly may be associated with an increase in people's risks of heart attack and stroke, and the risks rise dramatically with more frequent use.

Cannabidiol (CBD): What we know and what we don't

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active ingredient in cannabis that is derived from the hemp plant, but it does not cause a high and is not addictive. CBD has been shown to be effective in treating conditions like pain, insomnia, and anxiety.

Marijuana use disorder may raise the risk of heart problems

Up to three in 10 people who use marijuana may be unable to stop using the drug, even when it has negative effects on their lives. A 2023 study links this problem— known as cannabis use disorder—to a higher risk of heart problems.

Cannabis use disorder may raise surgical risks

A 2023 study suggests that regular cannabis users have higher risks before, during, and after surgery, including the risk of heart attack, stroke, acute kidney injury, breathing difficulties, and blood clots.

Cannabis: A cardiovascular concern?

Marijuana use, which is rising among older adults, appears to heighten the risk of heart-related problems. Cannabis is known to increase heart rate and blood pressure, although high doses can have the opposite effect. Marijuana use has been implicated in causing heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, stress cardiomyopathy, and arteritis.

Does CBD help with arthritis pain?

If you have chronic arthritis pain, you may have been tempted to try cannabidiol as a treatment, or you may have tried it already. But is there any evidence that it works? Studies are finally addressing this question, and the results are just starting to come in.

Emergency care visits after cannabis use rising among older adults

A 2023 study found that cannabis-related visits to hospital emergency departments skyrocketed among adults ages 65 and older from 2005 through 2019.

Can cannabis help relieve pain?

A growing number of adults ages 65 and older are turning to cannabis to treat and manage their pain. While many individuals endorse its effectiveness and some studies have supported its use for pain management, the science is still inconclusive. Doctors can’t prescribe cannabis like conventional medications, but in many states, they can recommend its use for certain conditions, including pain.

If you use cannabis, do it safely

Cannabis is legal in a growing number of states for adult recreational or medical use, or both. As access expands, here's what to know about safely purchasing and using cannabis products.

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