Sleep Archive


Crucial ways you can support a healthy immune system

There’s no evidence that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will suddenly boost the immune system. However, it’s clear that healthy lifestyle habits contribute to overall health, supporting the body’s ability to fight infections instead of creating new problems. Healthy habits that help maintain a robust immune system include getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night, exercising, reducing stress, eating a healthy diet, not smoking, drinking alcohol only in moderation, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting underlying conditions under control.

Short on slumber

Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night, but more than one-third consistently sleep fewer than seven. Reasons for poor sleep include pregnancy, menopausal night sweats, medication use, sleep disorders, and various illnesses. Sleep deprivation can raise the risks for such conditions as diabetes, certain cancers, obesity, dementia, depression, and heart disease. To promote sounder sleep, people can keep consistent sleep-wake schedules, reduce intake of caffeine and alcohol, and avoid using electronic devices before bed.

The dark side of daylight saving time

The start of daylight saving time in the spring can have a profound impact on people's well-being. Moving the clock ahead one hour can cause sleep deprivation, affect focus and concentration, and exacerbate existing problems like depression, anxiety, and seasonal affective disorder. People can lessen the effect by taking steps a week prior to the time change, such as adjusting their sleep schedule, getting more light exposure, and cutting back on caffeine and alcohol.

Shift work can harm sleep and health: What helps?

Mounting evidence paints a worrisome picture of the potential health consequences of nontraditional shift work schedules. So how can people who are required to work during the night and sleep during the day protect their health and well-being?

Poor sleep linked to a common cause of blindness

In a large 2022 study, people with unhealthy sleep patterns (those who snored, experienced daytime sleepiness, had insomnia, slept less than seven hours per night, or slept more than nine hours per night) were more likely to develop glaucoma than people with healthy sleep patterns.

What's keeping you from getting a good night's sleep?

Sleep is the body's time for restoration and recuperation. It's when toxins are flushed out of the brain, tissue is repaired, muscles grow, memories are consolidated, and hormones are released. Over time, getting too little sleep or fragmented sleep impairs concentration and mood and increases the risks for many chronic diseases. It helps to try to identify and address factors that may be interrupting sleep, such as snoring bed partners, alcohol, heartburn, underlying health conditions, an uncomfortable sleeping environment, or medication side effects.

Easy ways to keep inflammation in check

Certain healthy habits can fight chronic inflammation, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, maintaining good oral health, and reducing stress. If adopting all those habits seems daunting, taking little steps in their direction can help. For example, a person might eat fatty fish twice a week, since it contains omega-3 fatty acids known to reduce inflammation; or go for a quick daily walk, since exercise may increase the production of hormones that help keep inflammation in check. The combined effects of many little habits can eventually add up to keep people healthier.

Do we feel pain more at night?

Chronic pain typically fluctuates during the day and some research suggests that it worsens at night, potentially interfering with sleep. If pain keeps you awake at night, trying these strategies may help you sleep better.

Time for a diabetes tune-up

A major theme of the 2023 American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care guide is healthy weight loss. The new guidelines also encourage collaboration on meaningful lifestyle changes that help with sleep and health metric targets.

Protect yourself from cardiovascular disease

A 2022 report predicts higher rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD)—heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, and stroke—over the next three decades. Older adults can lower their CVD risk by managing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and excess weight. Also, they should follow the big three healthy-heart habits: a plant-based diet, sufficient amount of recommended exercise, and at least seven hours of sleep.

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