Men's Sexual Health Archive


Straight talk about Peyronie's disease

Peyronie's disease, a condition marked by extreme curvature of the penis, affects about 3% to 10% of men, usually between the ages of 45 and 60, but also can occur in men older than 60. There is no cure for Peyronie's, and the condition often does not improve on its own, but in mild cases men can maintain a regular sex life. If the curvature is severe, making erections or intercourse painful, treatment may help. Options include traction therapy, drug injections, and surgery.

What's the best way to test for low testosterone?

A blood test for total testosterone is the usual first step in men concerned about low T levels. The best time to get tested is between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m.

Which drug for erectile dysfunction?

For men with erectile problems, taking one of the four medications available can produce an erection 70% of the time.

Ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer

Research into the connections between sexual activity and prostate cancer.

New study investigates treatment-associated regrets in prostate cancer

Men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer have to make difficult choices about medical therapy, and hope that they will not later regret their treatment decisions. But a study found that such regrets are common, mainly because of differences between their expectations and actual experience.

A plant-based diet may protect against prostate cancer and ED

Three new studies suggest that following a plant-based diet may protect men from prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction.

When is it safe to have sex after a heart attack?

Most men can resume regular sexual activity after a heart attack once they can engage in mild-to-moderate physical activity without issues, such as 10 to 20 minutes of brisk walking or climbing one or two flights of stairs. That means no chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, or extreme fatigue with exertion.

New ways to think about sex

Older couples face many natural changes in their bodies that can interfere with their sex life. For men it’s falling testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction, while for women it’s often effects from menopause. Couples should see this new phase as an opportunity to explore different ways to stay intimate and satisfy each other’s needs without relying on traditional intercourse.
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