Men's Sexual Health Archive


Doctors often mum about sex after a heart attack

A week or so after having a heart attack, if you can take a brisk walk without any heart-related symptoms, it's fine to have sex. So say the guidelines from the American Heart Association. But most doctors don't share this advice with their patients, according to a study in the December 2014 Circulation.

The study included more than 2,300 women and 1,100 men between the ages of 18 and 55. Just 12% of women and 19% of the men reported receiving any counseling about sexual activity within a month of their heart attacks. Those who did get advice were often given restrictions (such as to limit sex or to take a more passive role) that are not supported by evidence or guidelines. Being female or older was linked to a lower likelihood of receiving counseling.

Ask the doctor: What works best for premature ejaculation?

Q. What are the most effective treatments for premature ejaculation? Do erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra help with this problem?

A. Premature ejaculation, usually defined as ejaculation within one minute of starting intercourse, is initially treated with behavioral techniques to delay climax. This includes the squeeze technique, which involves applying pressure just behind the head of the penis when ejaculation approaches and maintaining pressure until the
sensation passes. However, in many men, this doesn't prevent ejaculation.

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