Recent Blog Articles
Which migraine medications are most helpful?
Want a calmer brain? Try this
Do tattoos cause lymphoma?
PTSD: How is treatment changing?
Concussion in children: What to know and do
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Midlife ADHD? Coping strategies that can help
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Harvard Health Ad Watch: Got side effects? There's a medicine for that
Men's Health Archive
To PSA test or not to PSA test: That is the discussion
The recommended guidelines for whether men should have the prostate cancer screening test have changed in recent years. A man considering the test should talk with his doctor and understand all the pros and cons involved.
For men over 50: You can lower your health risks
What if men approached their health at midlife the same way that financial experts advise them to plan for retirement? Some of the same rules apply: take a close look at where things stand now, and then take steps to protect your future. Midlife is a good time to lower health risks and invest for long-term health benefits.
How? First, acknowledge what you can't control. Then put your energies into changing what you can — for the better.
Emergencies and First Aid - Emergency Checklist
This list describes your priorities in an emergency situation. Follow these steps:
- Evaluate the scene to protect yourself and others from injury or danger.
- Be calm and reassuring.
- Do not move the person unless he or she is in imminent danger or unless you cannot provide assistance without moving the person.
- Get help. Call out for someone to phone 911 or, if the person does not need immediate assistance, make the call yourself.
- If the situation is a choking emergency, perform the Heimlich maneuver (see Choking).
- Look, listen, and feel for breathing (see Breathing Difficulties).
- Feel for a pulse to determine if the heart is beating.
- Control bleeding with direct pressure.
- Treat for shock.
- If the person is unconscious, move him or her into the recovery position.
Emergencies and First Aid - Recovery Position
Adult Recovery Position
This position helps a semiconscious or unconscious person breathe and permits fluids to drain from the nose and throat so they are not breathed in. If the person is unconscious or semiconscious after you have done everything on the Emergency Checklist, move the person into the recovery position while waiting for help to arrive.
Do not use the recovery position if the person has a major injury, such as a back or neck injury
Emergencies and First Aid - Removing a Stuck Ring
Removing a Stuck Ring
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Emergencies and First Aid - Choking
A person who is choking will instinctively grab at the throat. The person also may panic, gasp for breath, turn blue, or be unconscious. If the person can cough or speak, he or she is getting air. Nothing should be done.
Immediate care
If the person cannot cough or speak, begin the Heimlich maneuver immediately to dislodge the object blocking the windpipe. The Heimlich maneuver creates an artificial cough by forcing the diaphragm up toward the lungs.
Emergencies and First Aid - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
When you are alone and have to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), your primary effort should be compressing the chest to help the person's heart pump blood. If there is a second person helping, providing breaths can be done at the same time as compressions are performed.
The brief review of CPR on the following pages can help you in an emergency; however, this information should not take the place of a certified course in CPR.
Emergencies and First Aid - Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation
Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation
Mouth-to-Mouth-and-Nose Resuscitation on a Child Under Age 8 or on an Infant
Place the child on a hard, flat surface.
Look into the mouth and throat to ensure that the airway is clear. If an object is present, try to sweep it out with your fingers. If unsuccessful and the object is blocking the airway, apply the Heimlich maneuver. If vomiting occurs, turn the child onto his or her side and sweep out the mouth with two fingers.
Tilt the head back slightly to open the airway.
Place your mouth tightly over the nose and mouth. Blow two quick, shallow breaths (smaller breaths than you would give to an adult). Watch for the chest to rise.
Remove your mouth. Look for the chest to fall as the child exhales.
Listen for the sounds of breathing. Feel for the childÂ’'s breath on your cheek. If breathing does not start on its own, repeat the procedure.
Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation on a Child Age 8 or Older or on an Adult
1. Make sure the person is lying on a hard, flat surface. Look into the mouth and throat to ensure that the airway is clear. If an object is present, try to sweep it out with your fingers (wear disposable surgical gloves if they are available). Apply the Heimlich maneuver if unsuccessful and the object is blocking the airway. If vomiting occurs, turn the person on his or her side and sweep out the mouth with two fingers. Do not place your finger in the mouth if the person is rigid or is having a seizure. | 2. Tilt the head back slightly to open the airway. Put upward pressure on the jaw to pull it forward. |
3. Pinch the nostrils closed with thumb and index finger. Place your mouth tightly over the personÂ’'s mouth. Use a mouthpiece if one is available. Blow two quick breaths and watch for the personÂ’'s chest to rise. | 4. Release the nostrils. Look for the personÂ’'s chest to fall as he or she exhales. Listen for the sounds of breathing. Feel for the person'Â’s breath on your cheek. If the person does not start breathing on his or her own, repeat the procedure. |
Recent Blog Articles
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Concussion in children: What to know and do
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Harvard Health Ad Watch: Got side effects? There's a medicine for that
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