Balance Archive


Try this: The "old man" test

Putting on your socks and shoes while standing on one leg is a way to evaluate your mobility, balance, core strength, flexibility, and stability.

Beyond the milestone: Health goals for your 50s onward

Setting health goals can help people in their 50s avoid developing a chronic condition that can hamper healthy aging. Goals can include improving balance through various exercises; learning a new skill to improve brain sharpness; seeking age-appropriate cancer screenings, such as for colorectal, cervical, and breast cancers; prioritizing bone health by boosting calcium and vitamin D intake and weight-bearing exercise; maintaining muscle strength through strength and resistance training; and paying closer attention to diet.

Unraveling dizziness

Bouts of dizziness can be unsettling sensations that may last only a few seconds or linger for several minutes or even longer. Episodes may be isolated or recurrent. Many people have a difficult time articulating what they experience when they say they feel dizzy, because the term encompasses a range of sensations like lightheadedness, wooziness, unsteadiness, or spinning. To help identify the cause, people should first consider whether they are experiencing primarily lightheadedness or vertigo.

Fit balance exercises into a busy day

If it's hard to fit balance training into a busy schedule, it might be easier to just do a one-minute balance exercise at different points in the day. Those points might occur during TV watching, cooking, or toothbrushing. Ideas for simple balance exercises include standing on one leg, heel raises, or sit-to-stands—going from a sitting to a standing position, arms crossed, then returning to a sitting position and repeating the process. It's best to stand near a counter or chair for support.

POTS: Diagnosing and treating this dizzying syndrome

Most of us don't think twice about standing up, but for people affected by postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), standing can provoke lightheadedness and a racing heartbeat. While some people with POTS will require medications, most will improve with some specific dietary and behavioral changes.

Dizziness demystified

Vertigo is a symptom, not a condition. It can make people feel lightheaded, faint, unsteady, or like the room is spinning. Common conditions causing vertigo include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular migraines, vestibular neuritis, and M'nière's disease. People should see a doctor after a single vertigo episode to determine the cause. Depending on the cause, treatments might include medications, a canalith repositioning procedure, vestibular therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Staying active, not sedentary, between episodes can help people with vertigo feel better.

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