Depression Archive


How can I help my daughter deal with her miscarriage?

Ask the doctor

Q. My daughter had a miscarriage a few months ago and since then she has been depressed and withdrawn. Do you know anything I can do to help?

A. Miscarriage can involve a difficult emotional recovery, and many women and their partners are surprised at the intensity of their feelings. Many women who have experienced a miscarriage feel that they have done something wrong. They may worry that the miscarriage resulted from stress or lifestyle choices they made during pregnancy. In fact, most miscarriages are the result of chromosomal abnormalities, structural abnormalities of the uterus, or maternal endocrine or autoimmune disorders.

Bright light helps depression

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Research we're watching

Light therapy has been the treatment of choice for seasonal affective disorder (SAD)—the gloom that descends on some people as the days grow short. The therapy typically involves spending about 30 minutes a day—usually immediately after waking—in front of a box that emits bright fluorescent light. A study published online Nov. 18, 2015, by JAMA Psychiatry demonstrates that light therapy can also alleviate major depressive disorder.

Researchers randomly assigned 122 women and men with major depression to four groups—31 received fluoxetine (Prozac) and light therapy, 32 received light therapy and a placebo pill, 31 took fluoxetine and underwent a sham (placebo) treatment using an ion generator in place of the light box, and 30 took a placebo and underwent sham therapy. At the end of the eight-week treatment period, depression was alleviated in 17 of those who had both light therapy and fluoxetine, 14 of those who had light therapy and took placebo pills, six who took fluoxetene and had sham light therapy, and nine who had only placebo treatments.

3 health strategies to help you get through the holidays

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Plan now to help prevent overeating, trips to the hospital, and depression.

The winter holidays are supposed to be a joyous time, filled with celebration. But they come with health risks, such as loneliness and depression, overeating, weight gain, falls in icy weather, foodborne illness, and heart problems. Here are ways to protect yourself while enjoying the season.

Will Prozac help my premenstrual depression?

Ask the doctor

Q. I've had some severe bouts of depression before my periods. I have done my own research and I am willing to try an antidepressant. What dosage of Sarafem or Prozac is usually given to treat this?

A. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are an excellent option for treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). In fact, most physicians now consider them first-line therapy. Many different SSRIs have been studied, including the one you asked about—fluoxetine (Prozac or Sarafem)—and they all appear to be equally effective.

Confirming depression: When extra tests might help

Medical science is making good progress in unraveling the biological underpinnings of depression. Someday, these discoveries may lead to lab tests that can help identify or confirm depression and other mood disorders.

Right now, doctors and therapists rely on the symptoms reported by their patients, along with clinical expertise and experience, to diagnose depression and determine a course of treatment.

Sometimes, though, additional information can help distinguish depression from other problems. That's why your doctor might recommend any of the following tests:

10 questions to ask when choosing a therapist

Whether you get a recommendation for a therapist from your primary care doctor, a friend, or your insurance company, finding out about his or her background and training can help you feel comfortable with your choice. Here are some questions to ask before settling on a therapist:

  1. What's your training (i.e., what certification or degrees do you hold)?
  2. How long have you worked in this field?
  3. What kinds of treatment or therapy do you think might help me?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to treatment, including medications?
  5. How does the type of treatment you offer work?
  6. What are the chances that treatment will succeed?
  7. How soon should I start feeling better?
  8. How will we assess my progress?
  9. What should I do if I don't feel better?
  10. How much will treatment cost?

It's hard for a therapist to give precise answers to some of these questions, because no single therapist or type of treatment is best for everyone. But there are some general responses you should be looking for: The therapist should easily be able to describe his or her formal training and certification, for example. And while there's a tendency for mental health professionals to offer only the particular type of psychotherapy that they do best, it's a good sign if the person can describe the merits and drawbacks of different types of treatment, including ones he or she doesn't do.

Is your medication making you depressed?

When starting a new medication, keep a journal to track any new symptoms that develop. Note the time of day, date, and type of symptom you are experiencing. 
Image: Thinkstock

Be on the lookout for mood swings, sleeplessness, and anxiety when starting certain medications.

Can depression worsen RA symptoms or make treatment less effective?

Depression is fairly common among people suffering with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Recent research suggests that depression may worsen RA symptoms and even make medications less effective. To date, the studies that indicate a connection between the severity of RA symptoms and depression have not been conclusive, so more research is needed. In the meantime, if you have RA and notice signs of depression, be sure to talk with your doctor.

If you think you’re depressed, don’t wait — find out

October 8, 2015 is National Depression Screening Day, which is the embodiment of Dr. Douglas Jacobs’s belief that screening for mental disorders should be no different than screening for other physical illnesses. If you think that you may be suffering from depression, take the first step and find out. Treatment can improve your mood, help you feel more connected, and feel more like yourself again.

Harvard study links depression to stroke

Here's another reason to get depression treated as soon as possible: a Harvard study found that people with persistent symptoms of severe depression were twice as likely to suffer a stroke compared with people who have mild symptoms. The study appeared May 13, 2015, in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Researchers looked at the health information of more than 16,000 men and women ages 50 and older. The participants were interviewed every two years during a 12-year period and asked about many health issues, including depression symptoms. Researchers found that people who reported high depression symptoms at two consecutive interviews were more than twice as likely to have a first stroke than people with low depression symptoms. The stroke risk remained high even after depression symptoms went away.

The study showed only an association, and didn't prove that depression causes strokes. So why the link? Researchers speculate that depression—which is associated with high blood pressure, increased inflammation, and physical inactivity—may have a cumulative effect that causes damage to the blood vessels over time. Bottom line: Seek treatment if a case of the blues lasts more than two weeks, because it could be a sign of depression.

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