What you need to know about electric bicycles
An e-bike can provide the boost you need to stay in the saddle.
- Reviewed by Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing
Bicycle riders are abuzz with the latest advances in pedal power, called electric bicycles or e-bikes. Sales have been brisk, with the number of e-bikes sold annually in the United States quadrupling between 2018 and 2022 (to 1.1 million), and still climbing.
What's the big deal? The two-wheelers operate on pedal power and an electric motor, making them handy on hilly terrain and helpful for people with physical limitations. But e-bikes have certain risks. Here's what you need to know about the souped-up cycles.
Get the right bike fitWhether you want to ride an electric bike or a conventional one, try to get a professional bike fitting. "You'll need easy access to the brakes and shifters, which may require handlebar adjustments. And you'll need the right saddle [seat] height, width, and adjustment. This will help accommodate body limitations you have, such as limited knee range of motion or arthritis in the spine. Ask a bike shop where you can find a certified fitter," suggests Karen Zunti, a physical therapist with the Cycling Medicine Program at Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Network. |
How does it work?
An e-bike looks like a regular bicycle. It has a built-in electric motor powered by a lithium-ion battery.
When the motor is off, the bike functions like a regular bicycle. When the motor kicks on—which can occur when you reach a certain speed or when you flip a switch—pedaling becomes easier. "Riding an e-bike feels like you're using an easier gear when you're really using a harder one. It puts less compression on your joints than a conventional bike, so it takes less effort to go at any given speed. That's helpful if you have joint pain or diminished strength or endurance. And if you want to ride with your friends or grandkids, you can keep up with them," says Karen Zunti, a physical therapist with the Cycling Medicine Program at Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Network.
And even though the workout is less intense, you might be able to ride an e-bike for a longer period of time than a conventional bike, so you can still get the exercise benefits.
E-bike speeds
The speed of your e-bike depends on its particular class. The lowest class (Class 1) has a motor that works only as you pedal and won't help once you reach 20 mph. The highest class (Class 3) works the same way, but the motor will boost you until you reach 28 mph.
Class 2 e-bikes also can assist you as you pedal, up to 20 mph, but unlike the others, they work if you want to ride without pedaling: there's a throttle on the handlebars that provides direct power to the motor (like a motorized scooter).
Zipping along at 20 mph or more can be risky if you haven't ridden a bike since you were a kid. "If you aren't used to riding at 10 or 12 mph — which is probably the speed you'd use for cruising around your neighborhood — you won't be able to handle it at 20 mph, and you probably won't have the skills to stop, turn, or navigate around something quickly," Zunti says. "That's often when accidents happen."
Note: E-bike regulations (registration, insurance requirements, and helmet laws) vary from state to state.
Other e-bike drawbacks
In addition to speeds you might not be used to, e-bikes have a few other drawbacks to consider.
Price. E-bikes are expensive, ranging from about $400 to $6,000 or more. Good ones average about $1,500 to $2,000. Some states offer rebates for up to 30% of the cost.
Weight. Because e-bikes have motors and batteries, the average weight is about 50 pounds, compared to about 20 pounds for a conventional bicycle. If you need to lift a heavy e-bike onto a bike rack, you might injure your back, shoulder, wrist, or elbow.
Batteries. You must keep an e-bike motor charged. If the battery runs out while you're on the road, you'll be stuck with a heavy bike you have to pedal home or back to your car. Plus, e-bike battery safety isn't yet regulated everywhere (though that's in the works). Reports of battery fires have prompted some cities to enact safety laws and offer free battery swaps.
Should you try riding one?
To ride an e-bike, you need to be able to balance on a bike, turn your head, and see on either side of you (that is, you need good peripheral vision). So e-bikes probably aren't right for people with severe vision or balance problems.
It's also very important for you to wear a helmet, follow traffic laws, and use hand signals. If you can check all of those boxes, riding an e-bike might be a way to keep you in the saddle long after you thought your pedaling days might be behind you.
Image: © amriphoto/Getty Images
About the Author

Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter
About the Reviewer

Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing
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