Men's Health Archive


Air pollution: How to reduce harm to your health

Some air pollution levels have inched up in recent years, and accumulating evidence suggests that higher levels of particulates in the air are linked with increased levels of hospitalization for many serious health problems. But we can make choices to help both the environment and our health.

Help for erectile dysfunction

Taking erectile dysfunction pills is still the easiest way for most older men to manage their ED. The drugs are more affordable than in the past. But sometimes they don’t provide the help men need, and some men are bothered by side effects, such as headaches, flushing, upset stomach, or dizziness. These individuals may get extra assistance by exploring alternative therapies or devices to help them get and maintain erections.

Ready for your routine medical checkup?

Before the pandemic did you schedule a routine, in-person health checkup every year? Is this necessary or can you safely skip a year or consider a telehealth visit or a combination of in-person and virtual care? There are pros and cons to these options and no single solution will work for everyone.

A new treatment for advanced prostate cancer improves survival in phase 3 clinical trial

Radiation therapy is getting more precise, making it easier to kill tumors while sparing their surrounding tissues. Some newer therapies deliver radiation particles directly to the cancer cell itself. One of these new therapies is now generating promising data for men with the most aggressive prostate cancer.

Steps to treating an enlarged prostate

As men age, they often experience a new kind of growth spurt, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or an enlarged prostate gland. The first line of treatment is lifestyle changes to help manage symptoms. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding medications like antihistamines and decongestants, adopting a healthy diet, and limiting caffeine. If these are not helpful, then medication is prescribed. However, men who don’t respond to medication or have trouble taking it, can benefit from several types of minimally invasive surgeries.

Genital herpes: Common but misunderstood

Studies report that at least a quarter of all adults are infected with the sexually transmitted herpes virus. A guide to managing its sympoms and protecting yourself from this highly infectious disease.

Large review study finds low risk of erectile dysfunction after prostate biopsy

Prostate cancer biopsies have a low risk of side effects, but some men do experience sexual dysfunction after the procedure. But a large review of sdudies has found that these issues usually resolve within one to three months.

MRI looking better for detecting prostate cancer

Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to screen for prostate cancer can identify higher-grade cancers just as well as a standard biopsy, and may help some men with high prostate-specific antigen (PSA) numbers avoid biopsies.

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