Five hours of weekly exercise may help prevent some cancers
In the journals
Many cancers might be avoided if people did at least five hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week, according to a report in the Oct. 4, 2021, issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Researchers looked at the number of cancer cases from 2013 to 2016. Next, they calculated more than 500,000 people's weekly activity using self-reported information from two large national surveys.
When they compared the data, the researchers concluded that 3% of annual cancer cases (approximately 46,000) could be attributable to physical inactivity — defined as less than five weekly hours (300 minutes) of moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking, bike riding, and water aerobics.
Looking at individual cancers, the researchers found that inactivity was potentially linked with 17% of annual stomach cancer cases, 11% of kidney cancers, 9.3% of colon cancers, and 8% of esophageal cancers.
The possible connection? Previous research has shown that regular exercise helps reduce inflammation and improve immune function, factors that might lower cancer risk.
Image: © kali9/Getty Images
About the Author

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch
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