Healthy Aging Archive


Does my prostate cancer increase my risk for other cancers?

In general, prostate cancer that occurs after age 60 does not increase the risk of getting a second, different cancer. However, lifestyle habits that contribute to prostate cancer, like poor diet, lack of exercise, and obesity, can raise the risk for other cancers.

Heat-related illnesses are on the rise

The incidence of heat-related ailments, such as heat stress, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke, has risen over the past five years, according to a 2022 analysis. People ages 65 and older were at the highest risk compared with other age groups, and men were affected more than women.

Social challenges such as isolation linked to earlier death

A 2023 study suggests that certain social challenges, such as isolation, may be useful to help predict older adults' risk of earlier death.

Harvard-led study: Yoga fights frailty

A 2022 study found that yoga may offer some protection against frailty. Participants who practiced yoga improved two markers of frailty—walking speed and the ability to get up from a chair—compared with people who didn't practice yoga.

Can a healthy lifestyle ward off memory decline?

A 2023 study involving more than 29,000 older adults without dementia, followed for 10 years, suggested that people who stuck to at least four healthy lifestyle habits had significantly slower memory decline than people who didn't practice any healthy habits.

Yoga: A flexible way to enhance heart health

Yoga has modest yet positive effects on several factors linked to cardiovascular health, including lower blood pressure and lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol. The postures, breathing, and meditation practices inherent in yoga help cultivate the relaxation response, which trains the body to be less reactive during times of stress. People new to yoga should seek out a beginner, gentle, or chair yoga class, especially those who are over 65 or who have any medical conditions.

Activity-related sudden cardiac arrest rare in older adults

The risk of experiencing sudden cardiac arrest while exercising or participating in sports is quite low among active older adults, according to a 2023 study.

Stretching it out

Proper flexibility means you can bend, reach, twist, stretch, and sit and stand with a greater range of motion and less effort. While flexibility usually declines with age, adopting a regular stretching routine can help improve flexibility no matter your age. Besides improving flexibility, stretching also helps to reduce exercise soreness and injury risk and improve performance in sports and activities.

Emergency care visits after cannabis use rising among older adults

A 2023 study found that cannabis-related visits to hospital emergency departments skyrocketed among adults ages 65 and older from 2005 through 2019.

The power of protein

During his lifetime, a man loses about 30% of his muscle mass. Older men can maintain and even regain muscle by combining regular weight training and a proper diet, including adequate amounts of protein. Research suggests that to help counter lost muscle mass, healthy older adults need 1.2 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day. This is calculated by dividing a person's weight in pounds by 2.2 and then multiplying by 1.2.

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