Be wise about bee and wasp stings
Keep treatment supplies on hand, and learn the warning signs of a life-threatening reaction.
- Reviewed by Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing
Warm sunshine and blossoming flowers are a natural invitation to go outside this spring. But as you spend more time outdoors, remember that bees, wasps, and hornets are busy foraging for food and nectar. The seasonal increase in these populations boosts your risk for accidental encounters and stings.
The sting effect
Bees, wasps, and hornets inject venom when they sting. The venom contains proteins that poke holes in cells and cause additional damage to them. You feel that immediately as pain and itching, which are triggered as part of a natural process that walls off the venom to keep it from spreading.
"The venom also activates mast cells that cause additional swelling and redness. The mast cells dump enzymes into the area to degrade the dangerous venom proteins and protect us from their toxic effects," says Dr. Caroline Sokol, an allergist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.
Allergic reactions
In most people, over the next several days after a sting, the venom is broken down, and the body begins repairing the tissue damage. Swelling and redness last for a day or so. In some people, however, the sting can trigger one of two types of allergic reactions.
A non-life-threatening reaction produces long-lasting symptoms at the sting site. "It can be quite dramatic, causing a lot of swelling and redness that stick around for days to a week. The cells continue to be activated and try to promote further activation because the body senses danger. We don't fully understand why," Dr. Sokol says.
A life-threatening reaction to a sting, called anaphylaxis, affects the whole body. "It involves several body systems at the same time. For example, you might get hives on your skin, an asthma attack in your lungs, severe swelling in your windpipe that blocks oxygen, and a sudden drop in blood pressure," Dr. Sokol says.
Sting treatment essentials
Pay close attention to the way your body responds if you have the unfortunate experience of being stung.
If you develop diffuse hives or shortness of breath, it could be anaphylaxis. Call 911 and — if you have it handy — give yourself an injection of epinephrine from an autoinjector (such as the Epipen). "It's the best and only antidote," Dr. Sokol says. "Epinephrine activates the sympathetic nervous system, and this counteracts a lot of symptoms — for example, by opening the lungs, raising blood pressure, or getting rid of hives," Dr. Sokol says.
However, in most cases, you'll just need to treat the pain and swelling. Dr. Sokol recommends using a cold pack for swelling, applying over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to the site to relieve itching and swelling, and taking an anti-histamine — such as fexofenadine (Allegra), loratadine (Claritin), or cetirizine (Zyrtec) — to ease itching.
Call your doctor if you have swelling that doesn't go away after a few days or a red line on the skin that extends from the sting site toward your heart.
Prepare now
Check your home first aid kit to make sure you have antihistamines and cortisone cream on hand, in case of a sting.
You don't need to get an Epipen unless you know you're at risk for an allergic reaction to stings. The red flag for risk is a previous allergic reaction — such as hives or anaphylaxis — to any stinging insect. "In that case, carry not one but two Epipens wherever you go. You might need a second dose based on your weight or how long the effects of the venom last," Dr. Sokol says.
Outside, it's always a good idea to wear sunscreen, a hat, long sleeves, and pants to protect your skin from the sun's powerful ultraviolet rays. Those tactics will also help protect you in bee, wasp, or hornet encounters. You might also avoid wearing brightly colored clothes, which can attract the bugs.
And if you have a history of anaphylaxis, consider getting a series of allergy shots that reduce your risk for anaphylactic reactions to stings. Medicare pays for the shots. "They won't prevent all symptoms of a sting, but they will protect you against anaphylaxis," Dr. Sokol says. "Do what you can to protect yourself."
Image: © szefei/Getty Images
About the Author

Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter
About the Reviewer

Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing
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