Understanding Mild Cognitive Impairment_TEST OCT23'

Harvard Doctors Reveal Ways to
Prevent, Halt, Even Reverse Cognitive Decline
Discover today’s best strategies to keep your brain healthy and strong and boost your cognitive health!
Maintaining strong cognitive health and a healthy brain is one of the most important things you can do as you age.
But sometimes things don’t go as planned. Occasional forgetfulness sets in…your memory gets rusty…you can’t recall, learn new tasks, or process information as fast. Rest assured…these things are usually normal age-related effects of aging on the brain.
At some point, however, normal age-related effects can tip into mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Remembering appointments or dates can be more challenging as can paying bills, finding the right words or making plans. Here’s the good news…
Relax and breathe easy… There’s plenty you can do to help prevent memory loss and cognitive decline.
Everything you need to know is in this Special Online Guide from Harvard Medical School. Here’s a sample of the brain saving tips, insights, and strategies you’ll discover in Understanding Mild Cognitive Impairment…
- How to outsmart brain drain if age and genetics make you prone to MCI…[Pg 11]
- Drink this just once-a-day drink and you could cut your risk of cognitive decline. [Pg 22]
- Trouble concentrating, becoming more forgetful -- it may depression not MCI. [Pg 17]
- Which is better for your brain: challenging mental tasks or staying active? Research shows… [Pg 23]
- And much more.
Diagnostic testing, treatments, medications, foods, supplements, and the latest research breakthroughs are all covered in one handy, easy-to-read online guide.
Put the most valuable brain boosting, disease-prevention strategies to work for you right away!
You’ll also get critical insights about more advanced cognitive troubles like Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative brain diseases that cause dementia. There are even natural approaches you can use.If you have high blood pressure…high cholesterol…heart disease…diabetes…depression…drink or smoke…or you’re healthy and want to do everything you can to prevent cognitive decline…
Protect your brain health—and your independence! Order this special online guide from Harvard Medical School today.