Cooling Heartburn

End the distress—and damage—of heartburn!
Learn how today’s advances in prevention and treatment can make acid reflux a thing of your past!
Heartburn can be scary. Painful. It can turn a pleasurable meal into an all-night ordeal. It not only robs you of simple daily pleasures, but untreated, it can lead to serious complications requiring aggressive treatment.
You can say good-bye to the anxiety and agony of heartburn!
This Harvard Medical School Guide will show you how to banish heartburn from your dinner table and your life. You’ll discover the steps and strategies to speed heart-burn relief and to prevent recurrence.
You’ll learn the causes and consequences of acid reflux disease. You’ll read about six factors that can worsen symptoms. And, most important, you’ll find the measures and medications that can make a lasting difference.
If you experience heartburn more than once a month, or if a friend or family member suffers heartburn, you should download this report now. Cooling Heartburn puts your health and happiness at the forefront. You’ll read…
… 12 things that you can do to help yourself. The report offers a dozen constructive ways to effectively preempt heartburn. You’ll find how, with simple, specific diet and lifestyle changes, you can build a sturdy defense that makes heartburn avoidable and meals once again enjoyable.
…unbiased evaluations of the most-prescribed medications. With one in five Americans regularly suffering heartburn, it’s no wonder heartburn remedies are so heavily advertised. The report will tell you which — from antacids to PPIs like Prilosec and Nexium — are safest and most effective.
…plus more ways to stop heartburn before it starts! You’ll read about a unique laparoscopic procedure that controls reflux with minimal side effects, a simple technique to ease stress-triggered heartburn, three proven natural remedies, and much more!